Sunday 28 September 2008

Farewell London Town.

I think this one will be short and sweet... so as not to set myself off into crying hysterics once more. I just wanted to say a big farewell (not goodbye) to London town. I the risk of sounding corny...I genuinely feel heartbroken at the moment.

To remember back 5 years to the first time I stood on Jubilee Bridge seeing the city spread across the Thames... standing there by myself and swearing that I would be back to this very place. And then 5 years on to do the same thing but with so many good friends surrounding me. I guess some of us are very lucky (dare i even say blessed) in life to just constantly find themselves surrounded by good people wherever they go.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone (and you should know who you are!) for everything. The heart to hearts, the good nights out, pub quiz even though we never win, the one liners that are classic, the back garden parties, feeding me dinner, trips to Cambridge, Norway, Prague, Belfast...making me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. I appreciated every minute. I mean that from the bottom of my heart and I will miss you like it is my job. :) You are all legends.

Please keep me in your thoughts because you will surely be in mine.
Thanks again for everything.
much love,
tara x

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Farther and Farther...from the beginning of Something.

This is my first blog... September 2 2008. I figure I midswell start somewhere as I'm sure there will be lots to say in the next month and a year. When i think back to where I was a year ago there is a lot left unsaid... so I guess there's no time like the present to start getting it all down in type. I've realized surprisingly recently how this period of my life has become such a dizzying mix of colour, people, places, and opportunity that I could never have dreamed of experiencing. Maybe I'd like to document a little this time, of this life.

Two years ago I left absolutely everything and everyone that I know and love behind in Canada in the pursuit of Something. "Something" may seem like a very vague term, but at the end of the day Something is neither anything, or nothing... but it's Something with a capital S. So I went in search of it, this Something, across the waters of the Atlantic to London England.

And oh boy did I ever find Something! I found it in Barcelona, Seville, Paris, Bergen, Milan, Belfast, Nice, Prague, and first and foremost London. I found it in Mel, and Becca and katie. I found it in Moojan, Seif, Alvin, Stefan and Sangeeta. I even found it in Marc, because although we don't like to admit it we gain Something from our mistakes as well. I found it in people like Estelle. I found it at Target Living, and Rafael Vinoly Architects. And soon, I'm certain, I will be finding a whole lotta Something in Bahrain in the Middle East.

But also what I've realized is that you can never forget the Something that you found before, this Something is even more precious, because only time can tell you whether the Something that you've found is Something that will stay with you forever. This is how I feel about Chatham, and Toronto... Canada, Crystal, Danielle, Devon, Julie, Sara, Marian, Nick and Alex, and most importantly my family.

So here's to Toronto and Chatham, London and Bahrain... here's to my friends and family back home, and my friends from every corner of the world who have found their way into my world here in London. Here is to life yet lived.

I'll keep you posted...
tara x